15 March 2009

SharePoint PublishingWeb class inside out

For a project I've done in the past, I had to create an application that could report all sorts of SharePoint site information. While developing this application, the biggest challenge was to gather information about publishing sites, without the use off the Micosoft.SharePoint.Publishing assembly. The reason for this was that the application also had to run on a WSS only installation of SharePoint. During refactoring I found out that most information was stored in the propertybag of the web.

I created a SharePoint Publishing helper class that can retrieve values for the following PublishingWeb properties and functions.
  • GetAvailablePageLayouts
  • GetIncludeInNavigation
  • IncludeInCurrentNavigation
  • IncludeInGlobalNavigation
  • IncludePagesInNavigation
  • IncludeSubSitesInNavigation
  • InheritAlternateCssUrl
  • InheritCurrentNavigation
  • InheritCustomMasterUrl
  • InheritGlobalNavigation
  • IsInheritingAvailablePageLayouts
  • IsInheritingAvailableWebTemplates
  • IsPublishingWeb
  • NavigationAutomaticSortingMethod
  • NavigationShowSiblings
  • NavigationSortAscending
  • OrderingMethod
  • PagesListId
public static class SharePointPublishingHelper
 public static bool IsPublishingWeb(SPWeb web)
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__PublishingFeatureActivated", false);

 public static bool IncludeInGlobalNavigation(SPWeb web)
  return GetIncludeInNavigation(web, "__GlobalNavigationExcludes");
 public static bool IncludeInCurrentNavigation(SPWeb web)
  return GetIncludeInNavigation(web, "__CurrentNavigationExcludes");
 private static bool GetIncludeInNavigation(SPWeb web, string propertyKey)
  if(web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyKey))
   throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null or a empty string.", "propertyKey");
  SPWeb parentWeb = web.ParentWeb;
  if (!web.IsRootWeb && parentWeb != null)
   string globalNavigationExcludes = GetValueFromPropertyBag(parentWeb, propertyKey) as string;
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(globalNavigationExcludes))
    string[] list = globalNavigationExcludes.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    bool found = list.Contains(web.ID.ToString("D"));
    return !found;
  return true;
 public static bool InheritGlobalNavigation(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  if (web.IsRootWeb)
   return false;
  return web.Navigation.UseShared;
 public static bool InheritCurrentNavigation(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  if (web.IsRootWeb)
   return false;
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__InheritCurrentNavigation", true);
 public static bool IncludeSubSitesInNavigation(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__IncludeSubSitesInNavigation", true);
 public static bool IncludePagesInNavigation(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__IncludePagesInNavigation", true);
 public static string OrderingMethod(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  string value = GetValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__NavigationOrderingMethod").ToString();
  switch (value)
   case "0":
    return "Automatic";
   case "1":
    return "ManualWithAutomaticPageSorting";
   case "2":
    return "Manual";
  return "Manual";
 public static bool NavigationShowSiblings(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  if (web.IsRootWeb)
   return false;
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__NavigationShowSiblings", true);
 public static string NavigationAutomaticSortingMethod(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  string value = GetValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__NavigationAutomaticSortingMethod").ToString();
  switch (value)
   case "0":
    return "Title";
   case "1":
    return "CreatedDate";
   case "2":
    return "LastModifiedDate";
  return "Title";
 public static bool NavigationSortAscending(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__NavigationSortAscending", true);
 public static Guid PagesListId(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  string value = GetValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__PagesListId").ToString();
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
   return Guid.Empty;
  return new Guid(value);
 public static bool InheritCustomMasterUrl(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__InheritsCustomMasterUrl", false);
 public static bool InheritAlternateCssUrl(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__InheritsAlternateCssUrl", false);
 public static bool IsInheritingAvailableWebTemplates(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  return GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__InheritWebTemplates", false);
 public static bool IsInheritingAvailablePageLayouts(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  string value = GetValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__PageLayouts").ToString();
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
   return value.Equals("__inherit", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
  return false;
 public static string[] GetAvailablePageLayouts(SPWeb web)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  List list = new List();
  string value = GetValueFromPropertyBag(web, "__PageLayouts").ToString();
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
   SPWeb rootWeb = web.Site.RootWeb;
   var pageLayouts = XElement.Parse(value).Elements("layout");
   foreach (var pageLayout in pageLayouts)
    string itemUrl = null;
    string id = null;
    XAttribute guidAttribute = pageLayout.Attribute("guid");
    if (guidAttribute != null)
     id = guidAttribute.Value;
    // first try to find pagelayout by id
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
     SPFile file = rootWeb.GetFile(new Guid(id));
     if (file != null && file.Exists)
      itemUrl = file.ServerRelativeUrl;
    // if no pagelayout is found by id, try the url
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemUrl))
     string url = null;
     XAttribute urlAttribute = pageLayout.Attribute("url");
     if (urlAttribute != null)
      url = urlAttribute.Value;
     SPFile file = rootWeb.GetFile(url);
     if (file != null && file.Exists)
      itemUrl = file.ServerRelativeUrl;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemUrl))
  return list.ToArray();
 private static object GetValueFromPropertyBag(SPWeb web, string key)
  if (web == null)
   throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
   throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null or a empty string.", "key");
  object value = null;
  // First check the AllProperties collection
  if (web.AllProperties.ContainsKey(key))
   value = web.AllProperties[key];
  // Still empty, check also the Properties collection
  if (value == null)
   if (web.Properties.ContainsKey(key))
    value = web.Properties[key];
  return value;
 private static bool GetBooleanValueFromPropertyBag(SPWeb web, string key, bool defaultValue)
  string value = GetValueFromPropertyBag(web, key) as string;
  bool ret;
  if (!bool.TryParse(value, out ret))
   ret = defaultValue;
  return ret;

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